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The dentists of the dental practice Seehofer in Munich: Dr. Michael Berthold, Dr. Reza Saeidi Pour, Dr. Peter Seehofer and Dr. Gabriele Gündel

Our jobs in Munich - Open positions in our dental practice in Lehel

Our practice is always looking for qualified and committed employees. Are you a dental prophylaxis assistant , dental administrative assistant , dental hygienist or trained in another dental field? We look forward to your application to jobs(at)

Available jobs in full- or part-time

Collective success - The 5 pillars of our philosophy of practice

  • Friendly working environment

    We strive to create a working atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable. For team building, we go together on further training courses at home and abroad. And because free time is also important, all employees are entitled to at least 6 weeks' holiday per year.

  • Interdisciplinarity

    Our skills and experience form the foundation for the collective success of our practice. In order to support and complement each other, we unite all disciplines of modern dentistry under one roof. Therefore, we also encourage our employees to develop beyond their own specialty at our expense and in your interest.

  • Further education

    Each employee receives his or her own educational budget, which he or she may freely dispose of. The professional development of our employees is very important to us and is actively promoted through a variety of ongoing internal and external training courses.

  • Modern technical equipment and philosophy

    It goes without saying that we always work with state-of-the-art technical equipment. But we are not only technically up to date:

    We represent a modern work philosophy and focus on a healthy work-life balance. We offer our team free fitness subscriptions, electric company cars and bicycles, and we also help new residents to find an apartment.

  • Fair payment

    Commitment and dedication deserve fair payment. This is why we pay above-standard wages, provide an MVV ticket, participate in capital-forming benefits and treat employees in all fields free of charge.